Border of mandala

Workforce Development Program Success Story

April 17, 2023

Luis, a single parent of a five-year-old daughter, was seeking employment that would allow him to drop off and pick up his daughter from childcare. Due to reported COVID cases at the daycare where his daughter was attending, children were sent home, putting Luis in a hard spot; he did not have anyone who could care for his daughter while he worked.

After discussing the situation with his supervisor, Luis was fired from his job. Luis found refuge by coming to the Spanish American Committee. Our Families First social service department helped him apply for food stamps, childcare vouchers, HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program), rental assistance, and he was referred to our Workforce program. The Workforce staff found it challenging to find a job for Luis because the majority of the jobs that were initially a good fit started at 6:00 am which was the same time for childcare drop-off. We continued looking and ultimately found a potential employment opportunity and arranged an interview. Luis did very well, and shortly after the interview, an offer was made. Luis immediately accepted!

Luis now has the flexibility to drop off and pick up his daughter from childcare without interfering with his work schedule. He does not work weekends or holidays, which gives him the much-desired time he wanted to spend with his daughter. Additionally, he was offered the same salary he was previously earning, allowing him to continue financially supporting his family.

Parent holding small child's hand

Border of mandala