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Success Stories

Female Latino Construction Program graduate, inspires others to stay engaged in the Latino Construction Program of the Spanish American Committee

Latino Construction Program Success Story

April 18, 2023
Juliana, a Latino Construction Program graduate, inspires others to stay engaged in the LCP Program!
Parent holding small child's hand

Workforce Development Program Success Story

April 17, 2023
Luis secured employment with flexibility to take care of his daughter!
Parents and child holding up hands in shape of heart

Families First Success Story

April 17, 2023
Eduardo was able to apply for public assistance!
Home welcome doormat

Mi Casa Success Story

April 17, 2023
Mr. and Mrs. Sanchez secured their first home mortgage and bought their first home!
Happy child holding up a chalkboard drawing

Little Footsteps Success Story

April 13, 2023
Ben and his wife have found Little Footsteps, our Childcare Center, to be exemplary, with responsible and respectful staff who care for those in the community.
Border of mandala